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Bonterra acquires DonorDrive

Today, we announced that we’re bringing Bonterra and DonorDrive’s technology and people together — combining forces to create the most powerful fundraising and engagement platform on the market.

You can read the full press release here.

This acquisition is part of our mission at Bonterra — to increase charitable giving from 2.5% of US GDP to 3% by 2033. To get there, we must bring together the technology that creates the most meaningful, personalized experiences possible for donors. This, in turn, will create more frequent and sustainable giving to critical social good causes around the world.

As we continue building a community of the most engaged supporters and funders in the world, Bonterra customers will experience benefits like:

  • Higher conversion rates as we continue to grow our community of 20M+ profiled supporters.
  • More powerful fundraising intelligence. (We analyze over 640 million transactions and score 271 million supporters daily.)
  • Easier access to grants that are part of the Bonterra ecosystem. (We facilitate over 250,000 grant awards every year.)
  • Better terms and more payment methods for donations than DonorDrive receives today, as part of the Bonterra Payments infrastructure.

Looking forward: Bonterra will continue to bring together the biggest names in social good, and we’ll do it with deep conviction. We believe companies can do even better by “doing good” — actively creating a positive impact on the world. That’s what drives us, and it’s no small privilege to be able to help you get more for your mission.

Welcome to Bonterra, DonorDrive customers — and thank you for the change you are making in this world.

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