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Transforming basic case management into impact management

The main goal of nonprofit organizations and public agencies is driving significant and lasting impact within the communities they serve. That’s no easy task, and it’s often made even more difficult when organizations have both limited capacity and limited resources. While technology can help address these challenges, nonprofits and agencies must be careful to choose solutions that don’t just address one pain point. To drive maximum impact, they should look for more comprehensive solutions that truly connect the dots between their activities, data, and outcomes.

In this blog, we’ll further explore some of the main challenges facing social good organizations today, and how Bonterra is helping organizations like yours to overcome these challenges through our Impact Management solution.

Top two challenges faced by social good organizations today

1. Rising demand for efficiency:

Despite technology being more readily available, many organizations still struggle to meet increased demand for services. According to a survey by the Council of Nonprofits, demand for services has outpaced service delivery, with 24.4% of respondents reporting waiting lists over a week long. Additionally, a survey by Fed Communities showed that 70% of respondents reported increased demand for services. This increased demand for efficiency can cause staff burnout, often leading to staff turnover.

2. Growing demand for outcome validation:

Having the ability to demonstrate your impact is key to improving programming, securing more funding, and meeting compliance requirements. However, many organizations do not have the resources or tools to easily manage their data and reporting. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, “a lack of capacity for grant recipients can adversely affect their ability to successfully access, manage, and implement grant programs.” This challenge to meet increased demand for outcomes often leads to decreased funding for organizations, making it harder to effectively serve their communities.

Transforming basic case management into comprehensive impact management

To help you meet and exceed these increasing demands, Bonterra offers Impact Management. Our solution was developed with impact at the forefront, allowing organizations and agencies to better manage program data, easily report program outcomes, and benefit from a network of best practices and tools designed by industry experts.

Three key pillars of Bonterra Impact Management

1. Increase program capacity:

With Impact Management, your organization can streamline workflows and standardize technical functionality, boost staff productivity and enhance usability and automation of your technology, and streamline participant engagement.

2. Measure program outcomes: 

We help your organization adopt a comprehensive impact measurement framework and clearly communicate impact to funders and donors.

3. Improve program impact: 

Finally, Bonterra Impact Management helps you drive more impact by improving your engagement with program participants and easily work with your impact network from getting referrals to sharing impact and compliance data with funders. Plus, we share insights to help you improve programming.

Download our guide to learn more about Bonterra Impact Management

Interested in learning more about how Bonterra Impact Management can help you increase efficiency, demonstrate outcomes, and ultimately secure more funding? Download our guide “From case management to impact management” to learn more.

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