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Apricot  ·  9 Mins  ·  For: Admins

Building Reporting to Pull Record IDs for Import

Learn how to build a report that identifies Record IDs for a smooth and accurate data import.

Audience: Admins

The Apricot platform automatically assigns a unique Record ID to every record entered into the system, providing a valuable identifier for data management and reporting. This webinar explores how administrators can leverage Record IDs to facilitate the process of replacing fields within forms or importing new data for existing participants. The presenter explains that by generating a report that includes the Record ID alongside the data from the original field, administrators can easily match the imported information to the correct participant records during the data migration process.

The webinar outlines two common scenarios where this reporting technique is beneficial. For field replacements, the Record ID report allows administrators to export the existing data and import it into the new field, ensuring a seamless transition. In the case of importing new data for existing participants, the Record ID serves as the key identifier to link the imported information to the correct individual profiles. The presenter emphasizes that this approach, combined with Apricot's import functionality, enables administrators to efficiently update or expand their data without disrupting existing records or reporting capabilities.

Building Reporting to Pull Record IDs for Import Presentation Slides

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