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ETO  ·  14 Mins  ·  For: Admins

Batch Upload Best Practices

Review best practices and considerations when uploading data into ETO.

The webinar focuses on best practices for using the Batch Upload feature in the ETO platform. The presenter explains that Administrators are the only users who have access to the feature by default. Then the presenter walks through the importance of always using the Generate Template tool within the feature as well as important steps to take when preparing the data in your Excel spreadsheet for upload.

The second half of the session covers the process of running a test upload with a subset of the full data that you intend to import. The presenter walks through the steps to review and modify data elements from the test upload that do not import successfully both within the test data set as well as the full data set. Attendees are encouraged to leverage ETO's help resources if they encounter any challenges while completing a Batch Upload.

Batch Upload Best Practices Presentation Slides

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