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ETO  ·  16 Mins  ·  For: Admins

Demographic Visibility

Learn tips and tricks for effectively viewing and managing demographics.

The webinar focuses on the various features within the ETO (Efforts to Outcomes) system that govern the visibility and accessibility of participant demographic data. Sabrina Gilbert, the training team lead at Bonterra, demonstrates how administrators can control the scope of demographic fields, ranging from enterprise-wide to program-specific.

The presentation first covers the concept of "access level" or scope, explaining that standard demographics are site-wide by default, while custom demographics can be configured with different scopes. Sabrina then introduces the program groups feature, which allows administrators to further narrow the visibility of certain demographic fields to specific programs within a site. Finally, the webinar addresses the family demographic relationships, where the system can be set to hide or display certain fields based on the participant's role within a family. Participants learn how these three features work together to govern the overall visibility of demographic data in ETO, and how to troubleshoot any issues related to the display of specific data points.

Demographic Visibility Presentation Slides

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