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ETO  ·  11 Mins  ·  For: Admins

Troubleshooting TouchPoint Data Visibility

Learn tips and tricks for ensuring TouchPoint data is visible for the right users and programs.

This webinar focuses on strategies for troubleshooting issues related to the visibility of touchpoint data within the ETO (Efforts to Outcomes) system. Sabrina Gilbert, the training team lead at Bonterra, explains that the visibility of touchpoint data is controlled by the site administrator or enterprise manager through the touchpoint security settings.

This webinar outlines a step-by-step process for troubleshooting data visibility problems. It emphasizes the importance of first verifying that the user is logged into the correct program, as the program where the data is set to be visible can impact whether it is displayed. This webinar also recommends checking the "view participant touchpoints" feature to see if the data is recorded, as the recent touchpoints displayed on the participant dashboard may not include older entries. Finally, it demonstrates how to access the touchpoint security settings to ensure the user has the appropriate permissions to view the data, highlighting the nuances of managing security at both the program and subject level.

Troubleshooting TouchPoint Data Visibility Presentation Slides

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