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EveryAction  ·  12 Mins  ·  For: Admins

Managing Your Users

This course covers learning the various aspects of user profiles and roles, creating user accounts, troubleshooting account creation and deletion, and defining security protocols to protect your data.

Audience: Admins

This webinar is about managing user accounts and roles in EveryAction.

The webinar covers the overview of user accounts and roles in EveryAction. It explains that each organization has an EveryAction ID and can create different user roles with customized permission sets to govern the level of access for staff, interns, and volunteers. The available user roles vary depending on the package the organization has purchased, but all packages include a full access administrator role. The webinar delves into the specific roles such as manager, staff, and intern, outlining their access levels and capabilities.

The webinar then focuses on the process of creating and managing user accounts. It walks through the steps to create a new user, including selecting the appropriate user profile or role, setting an expiration date if necessary, and the option to send a welcome email. The webinar also addresses the importance of individual volunteer accounts rather than shared generic accounts, as it provides better transparency and security. Additionally, the webinar covers troubleshooting common issues, such as impersonating user accounts, editing user information, and deactivating accounts while retaining access to critical assets. The webinar emphasizes the ability to require two-factor authentication for users with sensitive data access or the ability to perform certain actions.

Managing Your Users Presentation Slides

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