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Results Reporting  ·  19 Mins  ·  For: Admins

Formula Bar and Variable Editor

Understand best practices for writing formulas and variables and understand when to use each tool.

Audience: Admins

This webinar explores the essential techniques for leveraging the formula bar and variable editor within the Results reporting software. Attendees learn how the formula bar provides a window into any cell, allowing them to view and edit the underlying formula. The session covers the four key icons in the formula bar: the formula editor, create variable, cancel, and validate.

Participants discover the benefits of the variable editor, which enables the creation of reusable formulas that can be easily applied across a report. The webinar delves into the four components of a variable - name, description, qualification, and type - and demonstrates the power of count variables in generating dynamic, cross-tabbed visualizations. Throughout the training, attendees gain the knowledge to confidently build and manage formulas and variables, transforming raw data into sophisticated, user-friendly reports within the Results platform.

Formula Bar and Variable Editor Presentation Slides

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