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Nonprofit calls to action essentials: An FAQ guide

Any successful nonprofit fundraising campaign leverages calls to action. Your calls to action provide an opportunity to directly ask your audience to do something. For nonprofit organizations, this is usually to donate or volunteer.

Let’s explore how you can use nonprofit calls to action to inspire more meaningful support for your cause.

What are nonprofit calls to action?

Nonprofit calls to action are one-to-six-word statements prompting the reader to complete a certain action. They can come in the form of buttons, lines of text, or links. You can include them on your printed and online marketing materials, website, and social media platforms to inspire action from your supporters.

Why do nonprofit calls to action matter?

Short but strong statements that encourage donors to act now can get your point across more effectively than a long donation appeal.

With a brief and urgent call to action, you can grab your audience’s attention and guide your supporters to make a donation as quickly and easily as possible. Plus, calls to action make a strong send-off to your donation letters and other marketing materials, telling supporters exactly how to act on what they just read.

How do you make effective nonprofit calls to action?

Your call to action’s beauty is in its simplicity: you mainly need to remind donors what they should do, highlight the action’s impact, and instill a sense of urgency.

Keep these tips in mind while crafting your nonprofit calls to action:

The most effective calls to action allow donors to visualize exactly what they’re supposed to do next. For example, if you’re raising money to address food insecurity, your call to action could say, “Donate to End Childhood Hunger Today.”

How do you optimize your website with nonprofit calls to action?

Ensure donors can easily lend their support by featuring calls to action throughout your nonprofit website. Here are some tips for an effective online call to action:

A nonprofit call to action banner in white, blue, and purple. The tagline says “Donate today and become a hero” followed by a donate button.

When adding calls to action to your website, make sure you remove all barriers to action. Guide donors directly to your digital fundraising page with one click, so they can easily take the actions needed to fulfill your nonprofit’s purpose.

Optimizing your calls to action

In just a few words, calls to action can make a major difference for your nonprofit organization. Work with your team to write direct, specific, and accessible appeals that drive donations and help you achieve your goals. Then, use metrics like click-through rates to determine their effectiveness and improve your call-to-action strategy for the future.

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