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Funders communicating with purpose: Communicating change to nonprofit partners and grantees

CSR teams are navigating the impact of federal funding uncertainty on their nonprofit partners. While these organizations face potential disruptions to their federal funding streams, corporate philanthropy leaders are uniquely positioned to provide strategic support and stability during this period of change. 

Build your approach 

Many corporate philanthropy leaders are starting with an assessment of their existing programs and infrastructure to understand how they can best respond to their partners’ evolving needs. Work with your leadership team to align on how your organization can best support nonprofits facing funding uncertainty. Some teams may choose to reassess their portfolio strategy, while others may focus on amplifying current initiatives. 

Employee engagement can be a powerful multiplier for supporting impacted nonprofit partners. Consider running targeted giving campaigns that address emerging gaps or leveraging your matching program to increase support where it’s most needed. Work with your nonprofit partners to gather compelling impact stories that demonstrate the critical nature of private sector support during this time. 

Consider adding messaging to your CyberGrants landing page to highlight the importance of employee support during this time of transition, such as: “Let’s join together to support [insert organization name(s)]- donate in the month of May and we will match up to $X” 

Beyond financial support, companies likely have valuable expertise that could help nonprofits in the short term, whether it is pro bono services or skills-based volunteering from key business areas to help them deal with the backend implications of the uncertainty. 

Bonterra is here to help. Contact your Customer Success Manager to utilize our software to drive additional funding to your nonprofit partners, whether you need help setting up a new grant application or with corporate contributions.  

Outreach to nonprofits

Focus first on those nonprofits with whom you have strong relationships to understand what their needs are – whether financial or otherwise. Know that they are also sorting through the complex situation and might be struggling to put specific words to their needs. This blog might be helpful to them as they put pen to paper. 

A direct conversation with your nonprofit partners can help identify where corporate support could have the most stabilizing impact. See if you can understand what is needed and their timeline. Some might be looking for immediate stopgap funding, while others are focused on planning out their concerns and risks as things change.  

Knowledge sharing 

As a corporate philanthropy leader, you have valuable insights to share about navigating uncertainty. Consider facilitating peer learning among your grantee network or creating forums for strategic dialogue about adapting to funding changes. During this transition period, fostering meaningful collaboration helps advance both your corporate philanthropy goals and your partners’ stability. 

In this era of uncertainty, creating an environment of awareness and action will be key to helping organizations thrive. 

We’re here for you 

If you need help setting up a new grant application or you need help with corporate contributions, reach out to your customer success manager. 

We’re in this together. 

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