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Texting donors: How nonprofits can boost year-end giving

To influence donors’ end-of-year gifts, nonprofit organizations must convey the urgency and significance of donations in their fundraising messages. As a nonprofit leader, you may be wondering how you can make your messages stand out and make donors feel like heroes for their contributions.

The key to increased giving is thoughtful stewardship through an appropriate communication channel. Texting donors is an effective way to deliver important messages to nonprofit audiences. However, this form of outreach is more than just making a mobile donation appeal. Read this guide to learn about the importance of texting donors and how it can improve your nonprofit’s year-end giving campaign.

Why should nonprofits text donors?

Nonprofit marketing strategies popularly focus on meeting donors where they already spend much of their time. After all, doesn’t it make sense that your message is more likely to be seen if it’s in a place where donors are already looking? TechJury’s SMS marketing statistics prove that texting is the way to do this:

  • 88% of people say they use their phones mostly for texting.
  • 60% of people read their text messages one to five minutes after receiving them.
  • Short message service (SMS), or text messages, have a 98% open rate.

In general, text messages are part of a larger migration toward mobile engagement. Supporters are increasingly more active with nonprofits through their mobile devices, from participation in social media campaigns to mobile fundraising auctions.

Texting is not just a popular outreach tool—it’s practically considered the new status quo. With concrete evidence that texting is a surefire way to reach supporters, your nonprofit should consider ways to leverage it for your year-end messaging.

What should you text your donors?

Although text-to-give campaigns can be an effective fundraiser for your nonprofit, texting to engage donors is a completely different initiative. 

These text messages should be used for donor stewardship. Thoughtful messages will make your supporters more willing to contribute than direct monetary requests. Consider the following tips when constructing your messages:

  • Send holiday-themed messages around end-of-the-year celebrations to remind donors you care about their personal lives and hope they’re enjoying their holiday festivities.
  • Explain the impact of a recent gift and provide tangible examples of the donor’s significance to your cause. 
  • Include images that represent the donor’s impact or emojis that keep your message fun and lively.
  • Thank supporters for the various ways they’ve contributed, whether through monetary donations, in-kind donations, or volunteerism.

When donors are engaged through thoughtful text messages, they’ll be more excited about supporting your end-of-year fundraiser. As an added bonus, supporters who have strong relationships with your organization will be more loyal to your nonprofit, contributing to both your year-end campaign and future fundraisers, as well.

Plan your text messages and reach out to donors today

Just like any donor engagement strategy, your text messages should be thoroughly and intentionally planned. Texting is already such a personal way to communicate since people typically only give their phone numbers to friends or family members. By making the content of your messages specific to your donors, your nonprofit can further strengthen donor relationships. 

Thank the donor for their impact before you send them your next appeal. Send them a quick text telling them how their last gift supported your work, and let them feel the joy of the difference they made. Knowing their gift made an impact is what motivates your donors to give again!

Whether you send a text with a thank you photo, a holiday card, a few words of appreciation, or a video thanking your donors, text messages can go a long way. Effective texting can not only boost your end-of-year results but also build strong donor relationships for years to come.

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