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On-demand webinar: Get the most out of your CSR software investment

Get technical consulting, strategic coaching, and pre-built extensions — designed to help you reach your giving goals faster and with ease.

CSR is having a moment: Corporate giving has decisively moved from a “nice to have” to an essential driver of revenue and reputation. The problem? Many CSR leaders just don’t have the manpower, money, or in-house expertise to deliver on the rising expectations they now face.

That’s why we launched our Bonterra Support Packages — designed to lighten the load of managing CSR programs, so you can focus on what matters most, like driving your strategy and impact forward.

Check out this webinar for an in-depth look at our new offerings and learn how to choose the right support level for your company’s needs.

In this webinar, we discuss:

Whether you need hands-on technical consulting, coaching, or proactive extension design, our support packages are built to help you achieve your giving goals faster and with ease.

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