When you’re evaluating potential software providers, it can be really beneficial to see the product in action. This helps you understand how the features work, ways you can use them at your organization, and their benefits.
In this video, one of our solutions architects and expert in nonprofit and public sector case management, takes you through some of the key elements of our reporting features. This functionality will help your staff save a ton of time, pull reports at the drop of a hat, meet compliance, and secure funding. You’ll learn about how easy it is to build a report, filter it to find the information you need, and quickly edit to meet evolving funder requirements.
Video chapters
Interested in jumping to a specific topic? Check out this list for where to start:
How to use reporting dashboards: 00:45
How the build a report: 3:12
How to filter a report: 5:19
How to edit a report: 6:26