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Webinar READ TIME: 2 mins

Behind the numbers

The results are in… but what do they mean for nonprofits?

With the recent release of the Giving USA Report, alongside key studies like The Fundraising Effectiveness Project, M+R Benchmarks Report, and others, nonprofits have been gifted a great deal of insight into the fundraising community. The question is, what should organizations take away from all these numbers and data points? How should today’s findings influence tomorrow’s work?

View our expert panel on demand to learn how to apply the latest research to your fundraising strategy. We took a look at the latest numbers, talked through industry predictions, and explored how to use these reports to perfect your 2023 strategy with key topics like:

  • what the numbers are and aren’t telling us,
  • where your nonprofit should diversify its revenue streams,
  • what industries should expect a boom and which should expect a down year if we go into a recession, and
  • how to benchmark yourself against the industry in a productive way.

Please note: This webinar was originally produced by EveryAction, now a Bonterra solution. As a result, it features outdated branding, and you may hear references to products that have been renamed.

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