This webinar provided a comprehensive overview of best practices for designing tier one forms in the Apricot platform. The presenter began by distinguishing the purpose of tier one forms, which are intended to capture static, identifying information about participants, versus tier two forms that track dynamic, service-related data. Emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions upfront, the session walked through a five-step process for creating new tier one forms, including determining the appropriate field types, ensuring uniform data entry, and meeting system requirements such as duplicate checking and searchability.
This webinar also highlights strategies like leveraging multiple choice fields for data points requiring statistical reporting, as opposed to open-text responses. Hands-on demonstrations within the Apricot form designer illustrated how administrators can configure forms, manage sections, and test the final design prior to publishing. Throughout the webinar, the presenter stressed the need to approach form design with the end in mind, considering reporting needs and user experience. Participants were also encouraged to leverage the Bonterra Academy's training resources and support channels when encountering questions or needing further assistance with form development.
Designing a Profile Form Presentation Slides
Apricot · 30 Mins · For: Admins
Designing a Profile Form
Session Description: Learn how to design custom forms for tracking subject identity and demographics.
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